A Step In The Right Direction

Growing up, I always looked forward to back-to-school shopping. The people closest to me know I have a bizarre obsession with office supplies #journalistproblems, but there was always something special about buying a new set each August. Maybe it was the anticipation of a fresh start in a new grade, knowing that it could be the year something exciting finally happened.

Passing by Target’s back-to-school section the other day, a rush of sadness accompanied my typical excitement when it dawned on me that the end of Summer B was right around the corner. More specifically, six days. My complexion is not any bronzer and I’m currently cutting out notecards to study for finals, but it was a perfect summer nonetheless. It’s been a wild month full of friendship and opportunity.

I decided to take advantage of my summer on campus and get acquainted with a few journalism professors, who I’m eager to begin working with. They seemed pleased with my experience, but, being the overly ambitious perfectionist that I am, I craved more. When one of the professors hinted that INsite Magazine, a local feature and entertainment publication, loved interns, I quickly emailed the editors my resume and clips. While the internship was full, the assistant editor informed me they needed “trustworthy writers” and asked if I would write a restaurant review for Gainesville Restaurant Week.

Five weeks into college and I’ve been published.

This was just the boost of confidence I needed to prove that I can make it at UF and in this industry. This revelation finally closed the nettling wound left by Northwestern University’s rejection. It’s been an unnecessarily dramatic and devastating journey, but I’m finally able to move on. I know my Cherub buddies will thrive there and I couldn’t be more proud of them, but this is where I’m meant to be and I’ve honestly never been happier. That old saying turns out not to be garbage after all: Everything does happen for a reason.

I look forward to writing more for INsite, but for now I’m excited to share my two little reviews with you. It’s a start and gave me the chance to explore my new home of Gainesville while eating two delicious meals, gaining some basic review-writing experience and possibly expanding my resume. Click here and here and be prepared to drool.

They aren’t the best, but Photo Credit: Me!

So while passing that back-to-school sale at Target signaled the end of a wonderful summer, it also brought forth that magical feeling of fall, where the weather is cool enough for boots and blazers, and, most importantly, where the possibilities are endless.

This is only the beginning.